Monday, January 11, 2010

Calm and Steady win the race

With the recent hoo-haa about arson attacks towards 8 churches in Malaysia,
and I feel like expressing my views or my rants,
so please exit this blog if you do not have an open mind towards this issue,
I don't need virtual firebombs towards my newly born blog,
thank you.

So as of today, nine churches got attacked. I know two of the churches and one of it, is in front of my used to be primary school and the other one is in front of my friend's house. 

What saddens me is that why can't these people use a more diplomatic way to solve this issue thats not even there in the first place. 

First of all, "Allah" is an Arabic word that means God. Christians in Middle East use it to refer to God too. 
One of my close buddy[RR], he's a muslim and he told me that its because the Islam in Middle East are brought up differently from the Islam in Malaysia. They learnt from the root itself.

The term ‘Allah’ was not created by the Islamic God, or Muhammad or any Muslim. The Pagans of Arabia had been using ‘Allah’ to denote ‘God’ for hundreds, probably for thousands, of years before Islam’s birth. This was quoted from

These culprits are not only making Islam look bad for non-muslim, they are also causing segregation in our community. 

As Martha Stewart would had said
"Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success."

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